General Practice is a medical specialty.

General Practitioners (GPs) understand that health, illness and disease are ultimately personal experiences, and that their principal role is to relieve personal disease in all its forms, in the manner best suited to each individual.

The GP

  • is most likely the first point of contact in matters of personal health

  • coordinates the care of patients and refers patients to other specialists

  • cares for patients in a whole of person approach and in the context of their work, family & community

  • cares for patients of all ages, sexuality, and disease categories

  • cares for patients over a period of their lifetime

  • provides advice and education on health care

  • performs legal processes such as certification of documents or provision of reports in relation to motor transport or work accidents

GPs have a comprehensive scope of clinical practice that spans prevention, health promotion, early intervention of those at risk, and the management of acute, chronic and complex health conditions.

Long term relationships with patients build mutual knowledge, understanding and trust. GPs seek to build health, wellbeing and resilience through the continuing patient-doctor relationship.

Source: RACGP